"I won't be free until I can remove every last bit of doubt and regret in my soul."
Jaeris Magnola
The Miqo'te of Many Names
Quick Info
Other Aliases: J'vali Tia, Kaen Wolaon, "Phoenix"
Gender: Cis Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay
Race: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Nameday: 8/8 (Age: 30)
Jobs: Detective, Weaver, Barista, Ex-Thief
Combative Jobs: Gunbreaker, Pugilist, Astrologian
Server: Mateus
18+ / Pro-LGBT+
The Story of Jaeris
Reading all this is totally optional, you can learn anything in this section by just talking to him and asking him about stuff! This is more for documentation/reference.Also, for funsies, I refer to different eras of Jaeris' storyline by season names.
Prelude / Maelstrom
Jaeris was born as J'vali Tia, from his father J'vahs Tia and mother J'ziana Lahn. Since his father had his spot at Nunh taken from him (through an unfair deceit), J'ziana snuck J'vali out of the tribe when he was born and left him on the doorstep of a house in Ishgard. The doorstep J'vali was left on belonged to a group of thieves, who took him in, gave him the name Kaen Wolaon, and taught him all he knew about slight-of-handing other people's things.At the age of 17, he met Mael-ku Naeuri, an Au Ra on a journey around the world, learning different types of magic. Traveling with him turned Kaen from a street punk to a force of good in the world.Despite his new sense of right, he still had his thieving tendencies. He ended up taking a golden ore, which turned out to be a priceless artifact to a cult operating in the area called The Eternal Dawn. With the influence they had in the region, they turned the local area against Kaen, hunting him down to the point of fleeing to Ul'dah to live a new life.
Kaen arrived in Ul'dah with a plan and a new identity: Jaeris Magnola, a freelance weaver with a goal for a peaceful life. Gaining a few friends and experiencing his first taste of romance, things were looking up for the Miqo'te. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to outrun his past for long. The Eternal Dawn had followed and found him.Luckily for Jae, an old friend was also able to track him down. Mael-ku had made his way to Eorzea as a private detective working with the city-state. With the help of his old friend, Jaeris was able to put an end the cult, finally making him free to live his life, spending his time working as an adventurer and detective under Mael-ku's tutelage and living with his boyfriend, Ras Sayashan.
After a while, Jaeris ended up with a red ring in his possession. As he wore it, he started to have lapses of being unconscious, ending up in a different location with stolen objects. After some investigation from his Free Company and Mael-ku, they found that Jaeris was being possessed by a spirit bound to the ring.The spirit was that of Aynne Rouse, a noble thief who was bound to the ring by a black mage. Anyone who wore the ring would have their consciousness taken over by "The Phoenix", a serial thief who used her temporary vessels to steal artifacts, either keeping them for herself, or returning them to scholars who could research them.Once found out, the possessed Jaeris was cornered by the FC and the ring was removed, freeing Jaeris once again.
Otherside (Tribe and Tribulation)
Once again in a time of comparable peace, another Miqo'te found Jaeris in the Quicksand, claiming to be his sister, J'viru Vahs. With the guilt their mother felt from abandoning her son, and once again holding their father's child, J'vahs and J'ziana were able to lie to the tribe about J'viru's true father, claiming she was the offspring of the false Nuhn, J'zhog.Finally telling Jaeris about his real family and why he was abandoned, Jaeris rejected her at first, saying he didn't care about their reasons for leaving him on the streets, he had no reason to accept them now. But with time, and helping his birth tribe with the mysterious disappearances of the women, Jaeris came to accept his family. He drove J'zhog out of his position and found the truth behind his deception, reinstating his father as the rightful NuhnAs his role as the tribe's aid had ended, he went back to Ul'dah. J'viru, however, decided that she wanted to see the world and become an adventurer like her brother, joining Jaeris and learning to protect herself, as well as learn about the culture of the world outside her clan.
Otherside (Tragedy)
While things were fine for a short time, tragedy struck once again. Jaeris's love was attacked in the tunnels outside of Ul'dah. Jaeris pursued the assailant, but was quickly outran. Returning to his love, he was able to be there for his last moments. Jae had become heartbroken, nearly missing the last moments of his love's life.For moons, Jaeris barely survived, only eating and sleeping with the bare minimum necessities. Pained by seeing his friend in this state, Mael-ku had to give Jaeris a rough talk. Jaeris gave him an outburst in response, shouting about how he had to do more, how he could have saved him.Mael-ku, however, gave his rebuttal, claiming that there was still something he could do. Keep fighting, live a life that his love would be proud of him living. Slowly, Jaeris gained his purpose again, not hiding from the world, and fighting for the ones he wants to protect.To this day, Jaeris is still seeking any clue that may lead to the truth, and until he finds out who was responsible, he will never be able to end his adventuring life, however tired it may make him.
To Ashes (Current)
With a newfound resolve to protect Eorzea, Jaeris is living the best life he can, even when the pain of his loss hits him time and time again. He spends most of his time with his work as a detective, and making sure his sister is safe, especially since her dreams of being a grand, heroic adventurer has gotten her in some tough spots.A few leads have led him closer to finding the person responsible for Ras' assassination, and a newfound company of mercenaries will soon help him reach his final goal.
For the most part, Jaeris is what he needs to be when he needs to be it. Which is to say that Jaeris will generally have a personality suited to the mood of the situation
On any old day, he's laid back and relaxed, able to take and dish out a joke
He can be a bit cocky in a fight, but knows when he needs to hunker down and be serious
During his detective work, he does his best to keep a serious tone and get the job done.
After losing who he wholeheartedly believed was his soulmate, Jaeris has essentially given up on finding any new romantic or physical relationships.
Maelstrom Key Art (as Kaen Wolaon)
Rebirth Key Art
Rebirth (Second Half) Key Art
Phoenix Key Art
Otherside Key Art
To Ashes Key Art
To Ashes Key Art
To Ashes Album Art
Jaeris's Splash Art in Chimera CCC
Phoenix Superbolide in Chimera CCC
Jeweled Cypress Work Attire
Jeweled Cypress Profile Pic
Art by Mottley on Bluesky
To Ashes Volume Covers
I'm interested in mostly Long-term RP, but if you want a short session to keep you entertained, don't be afraid to ask!
Eorzea's Not Worst Detective
Jaeris, by occupation, is a private detective. Need someone found, be it friend or foe, he can help, for a price. (But like... don't actually give him your gil. Like, in game, not in context. You know what I mean.) Of course, going this route is gonna require some hints and clues to actually reach a conclusion, so be ready to be his temporary assistant.
Glamorous Fashion
Jaeris, by occupation, is a private detective. Wait, other thing. He's a weaver! Need someone to make you a fancy dress or a casual outfit and want a little in-context story to go with it? Call up Jaeris! He'll get you looking spic and span, and sitting in while he works gives space for some casual conversation!
An Adventurer's Duty
Jaeris has seen plenty of combat and explored tons of places. You need an extra hand on your adventure or a bodyguard for safe travels, he's there for hire! This also includes if you want some sparring practice. Hell, if you wanna ambush him and have a fight, go for it! Just... don't go in expecting to kill him. Not cause he's "super cool and strong overpowered man", it's just not cool to try and kill another person's character. I mean, come on.
The Jeweled Cypress
Every other Sunday, Jaeris can be found working at the Jeweled Cypress found here! He's either behind the bar or serving tables, so if you wanna request him specifically or sit in front of him, he's a talker if you want him to be. A nice natural way to introduce eachother!
Just go for it!
Jae could always use a buddy to talk to, so if you wanna hear about some of this cat's adventures, just say hello! He's a friendly guy with a friendly personality, so as long as you're not being a dick, he'll be chill.This also applies to any other hooks you may have, or anything you think he might be interested in. General adventures or even invitations to restaurants or other establishments. Like it says above, just go for it! The worst I can do is politely decline. Just be nice and we'll get along great!
The Player
Hi, my name's Chris and I'm Jaeris' player! To put your mind and mine at ease, I'm 24, and I expect you to also be 18+. Please don't lie about your age, I'm looking out for others safety as well as my own.I like being on good terms OOC with anyone I RP with, so please try to understand boundaries on what to share. I won't pry about anything in your life you aren't willing to share with me. If you don't even want to share your first name, an alias is fine, as long as I'm able to refer to you with some sort of name.I'm very LGBT+ positive, seeing as how I'm a part of it, in case it wasn't insanely obvious. If you're intolerant, best you just walk on by, I've got zero patience for bullshite.I'm not 100% versed in XIV or FF lore as a whole (I have a good bit of knowledge in XIV after being here a while), but I'm learning bit by bit, so if something doesn't fully make sense while we do stuff, just let me know and I'll try to make it fit into the universe. I'm down to clown with most things. A few rules though:
Adding to that last one, I don't find anything on the topic of rape/abuse entertaining or appropriate and won't tolerate it. If it is essential to a character, then the abuse cannot be explicitly played out, nor put in a positive light or romanticized.
I enjoy RP as a way to relax and have fun, and I hope you do too. If something Jaeris or I do upsets you, please let me know and I will do my best to work on it. I'd like for both of us to be comfortable.
I'm not interested in going striaght on into ERP, half for story reasons, half because I don't like doing it with people I'm not close to.
I'm in a wonderful FC called Chimera, so FC invites are not going to be accepted. They are too good to me. (Love you guys <3)
Feel free to send me a /tell anytime, even if my RP tag isn't on. I'm currently working on MSQ for the first time (I'm at Post Shadowbringers and very hyped), and I'm trying to get some side content done at the same time, so while I may not always be available for RP, I could always use a break.
If your character is not 18+, all I ask is that topics stay appropriate. I can understand having a character that's slightly younger, but the line that creates is much easier to cross. Tread carefully.
Please remember, if Jaeris is angry or upset at you or your character, it doesn't mean I'm upset with you. If you feel like I am, all you have to do is ask for a check in OOC. I am not one to get upset with people, and if I was genuinely upset with you, I'd probably just... stop RPing.